28 January 2012

#Janathon Day 28 - had to, um, turn round ... !

I had intended doing a longer run today but, without going into details and for a reason I've discussed before, I had to turn round and run home, carefully, and stop for compsure every few hundred metres! Oh well, I got home with no mishaps :-)  It was colder today than I thought it would be and my hands were frozen when I got home. Since arriving home I've been busy, busy, busy, and we're going out in half an hour's time so I need to go and get ready ...

So my run today (with Fleet) was 9.04 miles making my Janathon total is 228 miles and Fleet's 117 miles.


LilB said...

Well done on your run today despite having to turn back - it happens to us all at some point. Hope you get it sorted!

Jenks said...

I think it's just how I'm made. I'm fine for ages and then ... :-)

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