23 January 2015

#Janathon Day 22 - almost 100, cold, learning lines and business abroad

Busy, busy, busy ...

and oops, I haven't posted this blog post ...

Rehearsal last night and I have some more lines to learn.  Rehearsal was fun but it would have helped if I knew my lines already.

Went for a 7.1 mile run with Fleet in the dark not long before the rehearsal. It was getting quite cold so I'm wondering if I should have worn more than my long sleeved running top and shorts?

Before that I was busy, busy, busy.  We are starting to receive enquiries about our video compression core from all over the world and we haven't properly advertised it yet! This is very exciting but does bring concerns as to how we do business with companies from different countries outside the EU/USA?

So my Janathon running total is now 99.88 miles!  Not quite a 100!!  I will go to the gym tonight as I've a long run planned for tomorrow.

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