12 January 2011

Better and worse?

Gary V of Local Adventures suggested ice on my knee before and after a run, this has worked really well - thanks Gary.  My knee was feeling much better :-)  I still could only run slowly but all was looking well ...

But unfortunately on my last run my Achilles tendon became sore (same leg as the sore knee).  I finished the run slowly and to be honest it was better running than walking - stopped frequently.  I'm falling apart!

Sorry but all the concentration during my runs resulted in no photos.  Morning run was with my dog, we both got home quite muddy so I turned the outside hose on and washed off Fleet.  As I said it was slow but much better, I was feeling quite positive.

This afternoon my knee was feeling okay, I think I had the odd twinge from my Achilles tendon but all felt fine.  Anyway, I was struggling with a piece of design and really wasn't getting anywhere so I figured I needed to clear my head and went off for a run. I often think through problems when I run and it really helps.  I was taking it slowly and all was going well until about half way - that's when my Achilles tendon started hurting.  It was stop start on the way home and the couple of miles were quite uncomfortable.

Once home I put ice on my knee and Achilles tendon and then proceeded to slosh and rattle around while we were making dinner!  Feels better now, I'll see how the old body feels tomorrow though.  Feeling very tired right now so I need to rest, sorry if this is a bit of a jumbled post.

14 miles today so my Janathon mileage is now 140 miles.


Cakey said...

Awesome mileage - look after yourself!

Unknown said...

I second! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hope your joints get better soon. Keep up the good work -- lovely blog.

Chris said...

call us a trio. sorry the parts keep falling off. put them back together, please. you have a lot of miles in your future, I hope.

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