10 January 2011

What to do when life is a little bleak

So I'm not running :-(   And I found out that I owe the tax man quite a bit of money (company clerical error) :-(



It could be worse I guess.  So if I'm not running (I really need to give my knee a rest) it's time to go to the gym and do an upper body work. So what did I do ... 

3 sets of 12 Lat Pull-downs
3 sets of 12 shoulder press
3 sets of 12 chest press
3 sets of 12 single arm row on each side
3 sets of 12 reverse flye
3 sets of 12 lateral raise
3 sets of 12 pec flye

Not half as interesting as running but at least I had my dear wife with me.  If I took photos I would have proably been thrown out so you will have to make do with the bleak shot above - stripped down is how I feel after the taxman's assault on me.  I feel a bit better now but I think I'm going to ache tomorrow.

My sons tell me that I shouldn't put noses on smiley or sad faces - what's wrong with noses??


Unknown said...

I always put noses... faces need noses! But I have been laughed at by the kids at school for the noses... I don't get it either! Sorry things are bleak... but like your optimism despite ... the only way is up, right! :-)

Jenks said...

Thanks maggiee.

auswomble said...

Another yes vote for noses, but I'm old, so what do I know? I had a bad knee a few years ago that turned out to be a tight muscle in my back. Back pulled hip, hip pulled itb, itb pulled kneecap out of whack, knee hurts. I went to the physio saying I've got a bad knee. It was stretching my back that helped most. After the physio tortured me a bit. Sleep with feet up on a pillow, RICE without too much R. Good luck with that, especially if you need to run away from the tax man :-/

Chris said...


you have my vote. nice workout at the gym. sad tree however. will come back later expecting some more joy.

thanks in advance.

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