25 January 2012

#Janathon Day 25 - Fleet smashes a 100 miles and knots again

Fleet has completed his century with a Janathon total of 108 miles, well done Fleet :-)

Last night I played badminton singles with my son for an hour.  Great fun despite my tired legs.

This morning Fleet and I ran 9.1 miles, the first mile is always the hardest.  This brings my Janathon total to 199 miles. 

It was Cubs tonight and I taught them (or tried) how to tie a sheet bend. I also went over how to tie a reef knot using a slightly different method that I think is easier for Cub age kids to remember rather than left over right .. etc.  The good thing about this method I'd worked out, is it makes it easier to teach how to tie a sheet bend.


Gary Vallance said...

Are you tying the reef by taking a line around a bight? Almost impossible to end up with a Granny, and as you say, a good warm-up for a sheet bend.

Chris said...

nice going on the mileage. and knot tying. a worthy skill in all weather.

LilB said...

well done Fleet on your mileage - I must check Archie's walking distance for this month!

Anonymous said...

Well done man and dog. Also, I learned something new from your post today. I always thought that knot was called a Sheep Bend!

Jenks said...

@Gary_Vallance Yep, around the bight it is which means a simple change results in a sheet bend. O course I don't call it a bight, it's a hole out of which a snake emerges etc. :-)

@Chris Thanks, although tieing knots in the cold is hard going.

@LilB What was Archie's mileage?

@runtezza Glad to help with the knotting knowledge :-)

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